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Reasons to Question Your Relationship with Alcohol and Sleep

German respiratory medicine journal Thorax recently published the results of a study about people who drink then sleep while on a plane. Many people imbibe whether they’re flying across the country or over an ocean, telling themselves they’ll be well-rested when they land thanks to their favorite wine or cocktail. Turns out, drinking while flying is a bad idea for many reasons, as is relying on alcohol to help you sleep whether you’re in the air or on the ground.

The Problem with Flying, Alcohol, and Sleep

This small study found that passengers who drank alcohol had a lower amount of oxygen and increased heart rate, influenced by the dramatically altered elevation, alcohol consumption, and sleep. Researchers said the combo of alcohol with sleeping under hypobaric conditions creates a major strain on the cardiac system. This is especially problematic for anyone who has cardiac or pulmonary diseases.

The second part of the problem? The study found that drinking then sleeping on a plane does not result in quality sleep at all. REM sleep was shorter for people on a plane who had ingested alcohol. This will come as no surprise to anyone who’s relied on alcohol to help them sleep anywhere. This beverage is not the answer to quality rest.

Negative Side Effects of Alcohol and Sleep

If you have long relied on a glass of alcohol or two to help calm you down on a flight and guide you into sleep, the German study makes it clear that the habit puts your health at risk. While you may believe that alcohol helps you get to sleep under any conditions, the quality of sleep simply isn’t as good as what you can enjoy when you’re sober.

Undesirable effects of drinking before bed can include:

  • Heavier snoring
  • More severe sleep apnea
  • Less sleep
  • Fragmented sleep

Waking up after a night that you chose to drink before bed can also come with seriously uncomfortable feelings while you’re awake, including:

  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue

Many people turn to melatonin for sleep assistance, but this substance will not do your body and mind any favors either. It is lauded for its natural properties, but artificial melatonin interferes with the body’s hormone production and the body’s ability to manage sleep cycles.

Natural Ways to Fall Asleep

Restorative sleep should be a major goal for everyone. When you sleep well, you feel clarity, energy, speed, and happiness. It makes sense then that a substance like alcohol that makes you feel terrible in the long run cannot possibly help you achieve rest.

A plant-based, all-natural sleep supplement can help you fall asleep without drinking and without getting in the way of your body’s hormones and sleep cycles. KnightCap is alcohol-free, melatonin-free, and helps you sleep well and wake up rested. A waster-soluble supplement made with all-natural ingredients, this is the product that delivers a long-term solution to your sleep complaints. No alcohol needed.