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Is There a Link Between Poor Sleep and Depression?

Sleep is everything. When you get enough sleep, it helps maintain good health. When you’re depressed, though, it may feel like you’re sleeping all the time but still tired. Or it may feel like you want to sleep all the time but just can’t. Quality of sleep and depression are closely linked, and working to address both can help you feel better.

Possible Contributors to Poor Sleep

We are all susceptible to poor sleep, whether it’s caused by stress, illness, injury, infant care, or otherwise. Some people, however, suffer from chronic sleep disturbances which can be difficult to manage and, eventually, could lead to depression.

  • Sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea interferes with quality rest and, for some people, is life-threatening.
  • Insomnia: Insomnia may be a sign of depression. People who experience insomnia but aren’t depressed are at a higher risk of mood disorders.
  • Hormonal fluctuations: Whether perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopause, sleep disturbances are heavily associated with hormonal changes and mood shifts.
  • Inconsistency: Many people chase sleep, night after night. On weekends or holidays, they try to make up for lost rest because they finally have a break from daily obligations. Consistency every night, no matter the day or date, is the healthiest plan.

It’s critical to discuss sleep problems, age-related sleep disruptions, and other health conditions with your doctor to determine whether sleep problems or depression are the crux of the issue or whether other health complications have yet to be diagnosed.

Develop Reliable Sleep Habits

For many people, depression requires medication to help counteract the negative side effects, especially fatigue. Some depressed people may get too much sleep – a clear sign they are depressed – while others struggle. While quality sleep is not the sole answer to solve a depressive episode, maintaining reliable sleep habits is helpful in staying as healthy as possible.

Just as babies and children crave bedtime routines to be well-rested and happy, that need doesn’t go away for adults. Commit to good sleep hygiene by keeping regular bedtime hours, avoiding caffeine and alcohol late in the day, and eliminating phone use before sleep.

Combatting Poor Sleep and Depression

The cumulative effects of poor sleep can lead to mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. The lack of sleep exacerbates already existing problems. Sleep disruptions, in short, are typically considered both a symptom and consequence of mental health disorders.

While some doctors may prescribe sleep aids that are meant to help depressed patients achieve quality sleep, melatonin isn’t proven to work for everyone. A natural sleep supplement may be the most effective resource.

Regulate the Body’s Natural Sleep Cycle

The body’s daily cycles of sleep and activity are regulated by the circadian rhythm which affects overall well-being. When the circadian rhythm is disrupted by irregular sleep, people are far more susceptible to developing depression, sleep disorders, chronic disease, and more.

KnightCap sleep aids are water soluble and help regulate the body’s natural sleep cycle to improve sleep quality and contribute to a healthier life. If you are under a doctor’s care for depression, check with them before adding anything else to your sleep regimen. KnightCap is a fully natural product designed for quality sleep. Shop today. Sleep well.