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How to Win Against Menopause Sleep Disturbances

One of the biggest side effects women in perimenopause and menopause suffer is horrible sleep. They might not be able to fall asleep, stay asleep, wake feeling fully rested, or feel well-rested throughout the day. Hormones play a mind and body game for years, and that is simply too long for any woman to put up with subpar rest. Your entire well-being depends on quality sleep, which includes knowing what menopause sleep disturbance is haunting you and how to make it go away (or at least be quiet).

Perimenopause and Menopause Sleep Wreckers

The longest and most disruptive hormone change a woman will ever experience occurs during perimenopause and menopause. This under-researched and under-reported physical change affects a woman’s levels of estrogen and progesterone – and lower amounts of these hormones impact quality of sleep. If sleep is in short supply, fatigue is present in bulk, interfering with your work and play every day and making you feel like you’re living a less-than-full life.

Here are just some of the menopause-related problems caused by hormonal changes that interfere with quality rest:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats: These intense heat sensations can occur anytime of day or night. The problem is when they occur during sleep, which can cause unexpected awakenings that disrupt rest.
  • Joint pain and body aches: If you can’t get comfortable in your bed, getting to sleep is a mountain to climb. Many women suffer from an aching body that never delivers a reprieve. They may also suffer from restless legs syndrome, causing discomfort and sleep disruption.
  • Sleep apnea: Sleep disordered breathing is often undiagnosed because fatigue is a common perimenopausal and menopausal system, or you may have a partner who snores and doesn’t hear your unconscious behavior.

Important Components of a Menopausal Sleep Routine

If you’ve had a history of troubled sleep, don’t be surprised about continued difficulties during menopause. But at this stage in life, the last thing most women want is another medication or an unreliable sleep aid. You’re tired and simply want a sure solution to achieving sleep. Here are solutions that can contribute to a better night of sleep:

  • Minimize alcohol consumption before bed
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day
  • Don’t eat heavy meals before bed
  • Lower the temperature for a cooler sleeping environment
  • Invest in a cooling mattress or bedding
  • Exercise regularly but avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime
  • Limit screen time before bed
  • Use a natural sleep supplement with broad spectrum CBD
  • Practice meditation or deep breathing

Choose a Sleep Supplement to Combat Menopause Sleep Disturbances

There is not one right answer for dealing with menopause sleep disturbances, but avoiding melatonin and its side effects and unreliability can help, as can taking KnightCap sleep supplements, available in a tincture or softgel.

The right sleep supplement can help overcome the power of hormones and save you from daytime fatigue and naps and an alcohol- or melatonin-dependent middle age. Menopause is coming for every woman no matter what – have a game plan to combat the inevitable and prep your body to achieve the rest it needs. Choose KnightCap and sleep well.