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Coffee Won’t Help You Overcome a Sleep Deficit

Do you rely on a cup or three of coffee every morning to wake you up and help you face the day? This beverage might be liquid gold to millions, but it isn’t the true secret to waking up and staying awake or avoiding a sleep deficit. To be present and engaged every day for 14 to 16 hours, you need a solid night of quality sleep first if you want coffee to make any difference.

Why Coffee Doesn’t Wake You Up

Caffeine is a stimulant. Whether you’re trying to get a jolt from coffee, an energy drink, or soda, it can be frustrating when your stimulant of choice isn’t doing the job it’s supposed to do. Here are some of the most common reasons why coffee doesn’t wake you up:

  • You’re too tired: Coffee might get you going after a few rough nights and prevent drowsiness but at this point you might just be too tired for caffeine to work at all. If you don’t sleep well or struggle with insomnia, it’s not the coffee – it’s your sleep.
  • You’re anxious: Caffeine doesn’t always work in one punch. Sometimes it might not wake you up, but it boosts your anxiety instead. Sleeplessness and anxiety can feel like a chicken-or-the-egg situation. It’s important to identify what might be really affecting your sleep most – caffeine or your mental health. If you are anxious, a sleep aid with CBD can help.
  • You’re dehydrated: If you are dehydrated, you are more likely to feel tired and drowsy. Coffee isn’t the key to waking you up or rehydrating you, but it is a good idea to drink water before and after coffee. If you rely on alcohol to help you fall asleep at night, this can dehydrate you too and cause serious sleep problems.
  • You drink too much: Yes, there is a thing as too much coffee. If you drink over five cups a day, you can develop a caffeine tolerance and won’t feel the effects of the caffeine much anymore if at all. And your sleep, well, it’s bound to take a bit of a hit.

Get More Sleep, With or Without Coffee

Maybe you’re doing everything right when it comes to coffee and sleep. You only drink your cups in the morning. You hydrate with water. You avoid caffeine late in the day. You create a calm, screen-free, alcohol-free environment every night.

But you’re still tired. You still have a sleep deficit.

If coffee isn’t waking you up – and it always used to – the most important thing you can do for your body and mind is this: Get more sleep. Sleep is critical for good health and brain function.

  • A morning caffeine and nighttime alcohol combo is dangerous daily and long term.
  • Your caffeine intake may be masking an undiagnosed sleep disorder.
  • Medication may impact caffeine’s effect on you and on your sleep.
  • You may metabolize your coffee too quickly to get a jolt.

Believe it or not, some people feel more tired when they drink coffee, the opposite of what they want. Is it caffeine from coffee that’s the problem? Maybe it’s caffeine in general. Or maybe you’re so tired that no amount of joe is going to get the job done.

Instead, choose an all-natural sleep supplement can help you fall asleep without getting in the way of your body’s sleep cycles. KnightCap is alcohol-free, melatonin-free, and helps you sleep well and wake up rested, coffee or no coffee.