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Olympic-Sized Sleep Deprivation: Habits That Interfere with Sleep for New Parents

Any parent of a newborn feels the reality of sleep deprivation so deeply they would do just about anything to get some rest. No one claims to know the secret to getting decent sleep while your baby is brand new, but knowing the side effects of desperate sleep choices can help you avoid unnecessary sleep interruptions now and later.

Don’t Interrupt Natural Sleep Habits

There are unique circumstances in every household with a newborn, especially when it comes to recovering from birth and nursing the baby. Some new parents have a lot of help, others must go back to work right away. Every situation is different and while adrenaline might get you through the first week or so of your newborn’s life, after that it is fingers crossed for quality rest.

Though sleep deprivation is very real, eventually your baby’s schedule will solidify and become more manageable. When this happens, you want to be ready to embrace this gift, so there are two major things to keep in mind as you attempt to figure out the fever dream you’re living in and what comes after:

  • Avoid melatonin: Melatonin promises to help you rest. But this synthetic supplement interacts negatively with the body’s natural melatonin and interferes with circadian rhythms. Melatonin can also result in a hangover effect, making you feel groggy every morning, especially if you’re not taking it at the same time every night. And, let’s face it, you won’t be taking it at the same time since your baby’s sleep habits are all over the place.
  • Avoid alcohol before bed: Alcohol might “put you right to sleep” after a long day with baby, but you’re more likely to suffer from fragmented sleep in the shape of snoring, sleep apnea, and restlessness. Plus, when you wake up you won’t feel great or rested. Expect irritability, headache, and fatigue – not a great combo with newborn care. Alcohol is a fake soother. Your baby’s pacifier might help them, but drinking is never the answer to good rest.

Support Your Circadian Rhythm to Overcome Sleep Deprivation

A baby will interfere with circadian rhythms. This biological clock regulates the body’s cycles of sleep and activity and plays a critical role in maintaining overall health and wellness. Irregular sleep patterns disrupt the circadian rhythm, and this phenomenon simply cannot be overcome with an infant in the house. What you can do, though, is maintain the best sleep habits possible at this time of your life and hold your breath until you and your baby mesh. Then it will be time to rehabilitate sleep patterns.

Without quality sleep patterns, health problems can result, especially sleep disorders, mood disturbances, and increased risk of chronic disease. A baby alters life irrevocably, but it is possible to realign yourself once the newborn stage has passed so you can get back to a healthier, balanced life.

Choose KnightCap sleep supplements when you’re ready. Protect your sleep. Enjoy your baby.